Does Monstanto have a Role in Ukraine?
The World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) is helping biotech run the latest war in Ukraine. What is happening in the Ukraine now is deeply tied to the interests of Monsanto, Dow, Bayer, and other big players in the food game.
Tony Geren(The Pontiac Tribune) – The World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) is helping biotech run the latest war in Ukraine. What is happening in the Ukraine now is deeply tied to the interests of Monsanto, Dow, Bayer, and other big players in the food game.
Ukraine has some the of richest, and fertile ground in the world. The farmland of Ukraine used to be the backbone of the USSR. Its fertile black soil generated over a quarter of the USSR’s agriculture. It exported substantial quantities of high quality foods to other socialist republics, and its farms generated four times the output of the next-ranking CCCP republic.
Now, there is work afoot to ensure policies in Ukraine that ultimately benefit these (mostly) Western corporations. Though GMO crops are banned in Ukraine, Article 404 of the EU founding agreement, which pertains to agricultural production, contains a clause that has, until lately, gone virtually unnoticed: Both parties must cooperate on the use of biotechnologies.
The aim of US government entities is to support the takeover of Ukraine for biotech interests (among other strategies involving the prop-up of a failing cabalistic banking system that Russia has also refused with its new alignment with BRICS and its own payment system called SWIFT). This is similar to biotech’s desired takeover of hawaiian islands and land in Africa.
Given the struggle for resources in Ukraine and the influx of foreign investors in the agriculture sector, an important question is whether the results of the programme will benefit Ukraine and its farmers by securing their property rights or pave the way for corporations to more easily access property and land,” Frederic Mousseau, Policy Directory of the Oakland Institute reported.
The nation is now in an act of bio-warfare. It might become the wasteland that many US farmlands have become due to copious amounts of herbicide spraying, the depletion of soil, and the overall disruption of a perfect ecosystem. Destroying a farmland that is one of the most pristine in all of Europe. Farm equipment dealer, Deere, along with seed producers Dupont and Monsanto, will have a heyday.
With the world and dinosaur media turning their eye to The France terrorist attacks, this would be a story to watch carefully.