YES! I Want to Take Action
For a limited time, donate $100 or more and receive a free copy of our report, Food Aid or Sovereignty , and a copy of the report will be sent on your behalf to your Congressional Representative. Your support will also allow us to send copies of the report to the congressional authorization committees and appropriations subcommittees including the Agriculture Committee of the US Congress, Committee on Foreign Relations, Committee on International Relations, Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and the House Financial Services Committee. In addition we will also organize a Congressional hearing to build support for reform of the US food aid.
Send your tax deductible donation TODAY.
Make your check payable to our fiscal sponsors, the International Forum on Globalization and note that it is for the Oakland Institute.
Please mail your checks to:
The Oakland Institute, P.O. Box 18978, Oakland, CA 94619
Use Our Secure Online Form
Thank you for joining our struggle to ensure the human right to food for all.