This is what Free Trade Looks Like: the NAFTA Fraud in México, the Failure of the WTO, and the Case for Global Revolt
This new film from the Activist Media Project takes a Global South perspective in order to contextualize the increasingly fierce movements resisting free trade around the world. The most authoritative experience of Free Trade Agreements is no doubt the Mexican one, since México has already endured 10 years of the most advanced Free Trade Agreement in operation. This is what Free Trade Looks Like examines México's experience with NAFTA as a basis for understanding the impacts of other free trade agreements (FTAs), such as the WTO and the FTAA. Experts and activists in México explain the interconnected impacts of free trade on farmers, workers, youth, immigrants, and the poor. The film concludes by introducing some specific proposals which are points of consensus among Global South social movements as they assert that "another world is possible".
Shot in Cancún, México on the occasion of the 5th WTO ministerial in September 2003. The film is designed for educational use as a companion film to the Seattle WTO protest film, This is What Democracy Looks A study guide is included with each copy and is regularly updated on our website, where there are also links for further research. VHS in English and Spanish with English subtitles (64 minutes). Spanish version also available. The following people are among those who provide their analysis in the film: Alberto Arroyo, Red Mexicana de Acción Frente al Libre Comercio; Silvia Ribeiro, ETC Group; Tom Hansen, México Solidarity Group; Virginia Setshedi, Soweto Electricity Crisis Committee; Lori Wallach, Public Citizen; John Ross, Rebelión; Fernando López, Coordination of Autonomous Organizations, Chiapas; Sara Larrain, Chile Sustentable; Rafael Alegría Moncada, Vía Campesina; Alberto Flores Gomez, UNORCA; Paul Nicholson, Vía Campesina; Njoki Njehu, 50 Years is Enough ....
Activist media project . los angeles . 2004. is a non-profit activist collective and this was a no-budget project. Crew paid our own expenses to work on it and copies are sold at a subsidized rate in the Global South. The film was shot in Cancún by Jay Finneburgh, Doug Johnson, Brian Jones and Sabin Portillo with the support of the Cancún IMC. It was edited by Brian Jones. Second Editor Kevin Price of Denverevolution Production Group. Written & directed by Amory Starr. Translated & interpreted by Sylvie Perez, Victor Sainz, Jason Wallach, and Rafael Millan. Produced by Brian Jones, Sabin Portillo and Amory Starr .
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