Call to the United Nations to End Business Relationship with the Bolloré Group and Its Subsidiaries

Protest against SOCFIN in Pujehun District, Malen Chiefdom, Sierra Leone.
Ms. Grete Faremo, Executive Director, UNOPS, Chair High Level Committee on Management (HLCM)
Ms. Kelly Clements, Deputy High Commissioner for Refugees, UNHCR, Vice-chair HLCM
Ms. Katinka Rosenbom, Chief Contracting, UNICEF, Chair HLCM Procurement Network
Ms. Elisabeth Eckerstrom, Head, Procurement Division, ITU, Vice-chair HLCM Procurement Network
Ms. Neris M. Baez Garcia de Mazzora, UN Procurement Division Director
Mr. El Cid Butuyan, Ethics Office Director, UNICEF
Ms. Bonnie Green, Chief Ethics Officer, World Food Programme
Ms. Ella Yi Armstrong, United Nations Secretariat Ethics Office Chair
Mr. Helmut Buss, Ethics Office Director, UNHCR
Ms. Kathryn Higgs, Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer, UNOPS
Mr. Walter Grandpré, Chair, Strategic Vendor Management Working Group
Mr. Dante Pesce, Chair, Working Group on the Issue of Human Rights and Transnational Corporations and Other Business Enterprises
Ms. Anita Ramasastry, Working Group on the Issue of Human Rights and Transnational Corporations and Other Business Enterprises
Mr. Emilio Rafael Izquierdo Miño, Chair-Rapporteur, Open-Ended Intergovernmental Working Group on Transnational Corporations and Other Business Enterprises with Respect to Human Rights
Dear Sirs, Dear Madams,
The Bolloré Group is a major supplier to the United Nations which pay Bolloré over US$50 million every year for logistics and other services. Between 2015 and 2019, different United Nations entities signed over 200 contracts with the Group for a value of over a quarter billion dollars. The main clients were the United Nations Procurement Division (US$74 million), UNICEF (US$45 million), and World Food Programme (est. around US$100 million). These numbers are very conservative estimates as data is not available for a number of United Nations entities such as the World Health Organization.
In addition to providing logistics, the Bolloré Group is also involved in rubber and oil palm plantations through its 39.4 percent shareholdings of the SOCFIN Group, which controls close to 400,000 hectares of concessions for plantations in Asia and Africa. For years, SOCFIN has been accused of land grabbing and widespread human rights violations. After losing their lands to the company for oil palm and rubber exploitation, local communities in Africa and Asia have reportedly been subject to violence, intimidation, and severe distress.
Furthermore, the Bolloré Group has been accused of corruption and illegal practices in a number of deals allowing it to secure port concessions in Africa. On February 23 2021, pleading guilty on corruption charges, Vincent Bolloré and other company executives accepted to pay a fine of €12 million to have legal proceedings against them dropped in the criminal case surrounding the Lomé port concession. However, the presiding judge threw out the offer, insisting that the corruption charges were too serious to disappear in a plea deal and that they stand trial under criminal charges.
All documentation and references for the above are available in the report Doing Business With the Bolloré Group.
Given its documented history of accusations of human rights violations, illegal practices, and corruption, for the United Nations services, agencies, and programs to do business with the Bolloré Group appears like a blatant violation of the United Nations Supplier Code of Conduct, the United Nations’ Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and the agreement signed with the Group under the United Nations Global Compact.
We, the undersigned organizations, therefore call on all United Nations entities, agencies, and programs to immediately cease all business relationship with the Bolloré Group and its different subsidiaries.
ActionAid France
ActionAid International
ActionAid USA
Africa Faith and Justice Network, International
A Growing Culture, USA
Alliance des Riverains des Plantations Socfin-Bolloré, International
Association pour la défense des droits à l'eau et à l'assainissement (ADDEA), Sénégal
Bread for all, Switzerland
Cambodia Indigenous Peoples Organization (CIPO), Cambodia
Cercle pour la defense de l'environnement (CEDEN), Democratic Republic of Congo
Centre tricontinental-CETRI, Belgium
Creatives for Justice, Switzerland
Culture Hack Labs, USA
Environmental Defender Law Center (EDLC), USA
FIAN Belgium
FIAN Switzerland for the Human Right to Food
Food Empowerment Project, USA
Food Sovereignty Ghana
Food Tank, USA
Global Forest Coalition, international
Grain, International
Green Advocates, Liberia
Green Scenery, Sierra Leone
Groundswell International, USA
Health of Mother Earth Foundation, Nigeria
Jamaa Resource Initiatives, Kenya
Jendagbeni Centre for Social Change Communications, Sierra Leone
Kalpavriksh, India
Malen Land Owners Association MALOA, Sierra Leone
Milieudefensie, the Netherlands
Paul K. Feyerabend Foundation, Switzerland
Platform aarde Boer consument, the Netherlands
Rainforest Rescue, Germany
ReAct Transnational, France
Réseau des Acteurs du Développement Durable, Cameroon
Sherpa, France
The Oakland Institute, USA
Transition Resource Circle, USA
Zimbabwe People’s Land Rights Movement, Zimbabwe