Press Release: We Harvest--You Profit: Investors and Locals Get a Raw Deal from African Land Ltd. Page | June 17, 2014
“FCA’s Investigation to Determine if Deals Such As African Land are a Collective Investment Scheme or Not, is Irrelevant. The Bigger Concern Is if it Might Be a Scam” Media Coverage/ Press Release | July 9, 2014
Land Campaigners Criticise World Bank Doing Business and Benchmarking of the Business of Agriculture in Africa Media Coverage/ Press Release | August 30, 2015
Sierra Leone : les déboires judiciaires des militants anti-Socfin Media Coverage/ Press Release | February 18, 2016
Procès Bolloré Contre Bastamag: "On Veut Instrumentaliser Votre Justice!" Media Coverage/ Press Release | February 22, 2016
Liberté de la Presse : le Groupe Bolloré Peut-il Museler les Journalistes ? Media Coverage/ Press Release | February 22, 2016
Concern: Introduction letter and first recommendations for a constructive process to solve the land conflict in Malen Chiefdom Media Coverage/ Press Release | September 8, 2018