My Home My Land
My Home, My Land is a graphic representation of much of the Oakland Institute's work on land grabs. Illustrated by the Institute's Intern Scholar, Abner Hauge, this publication dismantles the many myths promoted by so-called donor countries, development agencies, and corporations about the positive effects of foreign direct investments through large-scale land acquisitions.
Over the past seven years, the Oakland Institute has exposed the actual impact of the land grabs on indigenous, pastoralist, and smallholder farming families around the world. The powerful illustrations of My Home, My Land remind us of the beauty and complexity of the world's ecosystems and indigenous cultures, and call upon us to take action now to stop exploitative land grabs internationally.
Abner Hauge is pursuing a BA in International Studies and a BFA in Fine Arts at CSU Easy Bay, where his academic interests are in international relations, media studies, and the adavancement of the medium of comics. His work as an Intern Scholar at the Oakland Institute is at the intersection of all three of those fields: developing ways to discuss the truth behind corporate-led development and land-grab crises through the symbiosis of words and pictures. In addition to his academics, Abner has storyboarded for a film, drafted a textbook proposal, and drawn countless pages of comics in his life as an illustrator.