Tanzania wants to evict Maasai for wildlife – but they’re fighting back

Community members are on a campaign to get international donors to defund their government and stop rights violations.
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Community members are on a campaign to get international donors to defund their government and stop rights violations.
The World Bank has suspended funding for a tourism project in Tanzania that caused the suffering of tens of thousands of villagers, according to a U.S.-based rights group that has long urged the global lender to take such action.
U.S. sanctions imposed in 2022 against Nicaragua’s mining industry were supposed to help combat a bloody wave of human rights abuses against local communities. But several years later, some aspects of the sanctions still aren’t being enforced, allowing mining companies to continue operations and even expand into new parts of the country.
Ecology and indigenous issues experts from Tanzania have reiterated their calls to authorities from the East African nation to “decolonise” the country’s tourism and conservation policies to avoid clashes with communities surrounding conserved areas and ensure the sector benefits the local population.
Plan to expand Ruaha national park has been beset by allegations of abuse, leading bank to withhold final $50m of $150m budget
The World Bank has suspended funding for a tourism project in Tanzania that caused the suffering of tens of thousands of villagers, according to a U.S.-based rights group that has long urged the global lender to take such action.
The World Bank has halted its funding of a $150m ($120m) tourism project in Tanzania following allegations of rape, evictions and killings.
Het klinkt mooi: westerse bedrijven investeren in onder andere Nigeriaanse en Keniaanse landbouwbedrijven, waardoor oogsten groeien en honger wordt teruggedrongen. Maar volgens tal van onderzoekers is die liefdadigheid vooral goed voor winsten van de westerse multinationals, en is er geen bewijs dat er meer voedsel wordt geproduceerd. Ze...
140 years ago this November at the Berlin Conference, Belgium’s King Leopold was recognized as the sole owner of the Congo Free State, a territory including the entirety of today’s Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Leopold’s reign was marked by slavery, millions of deaths, and widespread atrocities committed during the first colonial...