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The Oakland Institute's research generates millions of media impressions annually, bringing fresh perspective and voice to reframe the debate on key issues. 


Harmful mining continues in Nicaragua despite U.S. sanctions, new investigation shows


  • Scientific American

    The Olympics are a sustainability nightmare, and Paris, despite its efforts, is no exception.

  • ScienceDirect

    CellPress speaks with Anuradha Mittal, executive director of the Oakland Institute, about the impact of carbon credits sales on land use.

  • IPS

    When the 193-member UN General Assembly adopted a landmark resolution, back in September 2015, the goals were highly ambitious: to eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, eliminate inequalities, protect human rights, promote gender empowerment and ensure economic, social and environmental development—and much more. The deadline for achieving...

  • Hakai Magazine

    Multinational companies funded a US $4.4-million carbon offset project. Senegalese locals did much of the work—and saw almost none of the money.

  • Mongabay

    Depuis des siècles, les Massaïs vivant dans la zone de conservation de Ngorongoro se déplaçent en grande partie librement sur les vastes étendues de savane à la recherche d’eau et de pâturages, sans aucune restriction. Mais, en 1979, quand l’UNESCO est entrée en scène, beaucoup de choses ont changé. Notamment, la mise en place de…

  • Mongabay

    For years, human rights organizations have accused UNESCO of being either inattentive or complicit in the illegal evictions of communities and allegations of torture, rape and murder in several World Heritage Sites.

    These sites include biodiversity hotspots in Africa, including the Ngorongoro Conservation Area in Tanzania and the Odzala-...
