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Harmful mining continues in Nicaragua despite U.S. sanctions, new investigation shows


  • Confidencial

    Las sanciones impuestas por Estados Unidos a Nicaragua en contra de la industria minera, apenas sí perturbaron el desempeño de esa actividad.

  • IDN-InDepthNews

    It has been 43 years since the World Food Day was first celebrated on October 16, 1981, following United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) establishing the day in 1979 to raise awareness about hunger and promote action to end it. In 2024, when […]

  • Common Dreams

    The conflict raging in DRC is largely for the control of the country's important raw materials, with the most vulnerable paying the highest price.

  • Inter Press Service (IPS)

    A landmark report released last July by five UN agencies— the World Health Organization (WHO), the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the World Food Programme (WFP) and the UN children’s agency UNICEF—outlined the setbacks in fighting global hunger and warned that the world has...

  • Dakar Echo

    Le matin du 7 décembre 2023, des confettis pleuvaient sur Alan Kessler, le PDG d’African Agriculture, alors qu’il sonnait la cloche d’ouverture de la bourse du NASDAQ et que la société fêtait son entrée à la bourse de New York. La mission revendiquée de l’entreprise étatsunienne était alors de « garantir l’approvisionnement en nourriture et...

  • IDN-InDepthNews

    With the largest population of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Africa—nearly 7 million people—the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is ravaged by decades of conflict. Since late 2023, the security situation has deteriorated drastically resulting in widespread displacement with almost one million IDPs in…
