Keynotes and Plenary Speeches
Famished? Answers to the Global Food Crises, Vienna Institute for Dialogue and Communication, Vienna.
Is Socially Responsible Investment in Land Possible? Global AgInvesting Europe 2010 Conference, Geneva.
Ethiopia Which Way: Investments in Land and Growing Food Insecurity in Ethiopia, San Jose.
Presentation of civil society comments and recommendations on IFC Policies and Standards, World Bank Spring Meetings, Washington DC.
Pathways for Strategic Giving. Pacific Northwest Global Donors Conference, Seattle.
Biotechnology and Agricultural Development: Transgenic Cotton, Rural Institutions and Resource-Poor Farmers. Oxfam America, Washington, DC.
Berkeley Model United Nations Conference.Berkeley.
Public Environmental Law Conference. Eugene.
The Global Food Crisis and Local Solutions. Mission Cultural Center, San Francisco.
The TRADE Act. Presbyterian Church. Louisville.
Plenary: UNCTAD South South Cooperation Meeting: Sustainable Agriculture, Food Security and Development. Geneva.
Ten Years: From Seattle to Copenhagen. San Francisco.
Food Crisis and Threat to Human Rights, South Los Angeles Conference on Health and Human Rights, Los Angeles
Forum on the Food Crisis, International Socialist Review, Chicago
Weaving the Worlds, Womens Earth Alliance, San Francisco
North, South, East and West: Global Eco-Power Politics, Bioneers, Marin
Forum on the Food Crisis, International Socialist Review, San Francisco
Public Panel Debate, The World Food Crisis: Which Way Forward? Waterloo, Canada
G 24 Technical Meetings, Causes and Impact of Food Crisis, Geneva
Hunger in a World of Plenty, Presbyterian Peace Making Conference, Los Angeles
Civil Society Development Forum, Conference of NGOs in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations, Geneva
Economic Human Rights: The Time Has Come, Honors Forum Lecture. Maricopa College, Phoenix.
Health and Social Justice: Burning Issues, Taking Action. San Francisco State University, San Francisco.
Global Hunger. Presbyterian Church Joining Hands Program, Berkeley.
The Myths of Genetic Engineering and the New Green Revolution for the World's Poor. NorthWest Resistance Against Genetic Engineering, Portland.
Economic Human Rights: The Time Has Come. UC Berkeley Human Rights Program, Berkeley.
Immigration and Trade Polices. International Human Rights Funder Network, San Francisco.
How Can We Afford Organic Food. UC Davis, Davis.
Farm Bill Forum. Alemany Farm, San Francisco.
Making a Difference in Philanthropy. Wings Forum, Bangkok.
Free Market Famines: Endemic Hunger in a Globalized World. USA-UNA, Oakland.
End Poverty. International Day to Eradicate Poverty. St. Mary's Homeless Center, Oakland.
Free Market Famines: Endemic Hunger in a Globalized World. UNA-USA, Oakland.
Unrealized Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights: What are the Consequences to Health? Health and Human Rights Lecture, UCSF, San Francisco.
Free Market Famines. Central Region Social Forum. Union College, Albany, New York.
The Table of Free Voices. Dropping Knowledge. Berlin, Germany.
Systems Approaches to Healthy Pathways From Seed to Table. Food Connections. Sonoma State University, Sonoma.
A Taste of Blues: What the Social Conservative Agenda Means for Women. Fighting The Blues Conference, the Canadian Labour Congress Thirteenth National Women's Conference. Ottawa, Canada.
Another World is Possible. The Dutch Social Forum. Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
Is This Any Way to Run the Globe? Can Democracy Survive the Noose of Globalization. UC Los Angeles and UC Santa Barbara.
Sustainable Markets and Responsible Trade. SMART Project, San Jose State University, San Jose.
Sweet Charity: Free Trade Versus Freedom From Hunger. Girl Fest, UC Berkeley, Berkeley.
Beyond the Millennium Declaration: Embracing Democracy and Good Governance. The New School of Athens. Athens, Greece.
Foreign Aid: Sweet Charity and Smart Bombs. CalPoly. San Luis Obispo, CA.
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man. KPFA, Oakland Institute, Global Exchange. Berkeley, CA.
The Road Ahead for International Philanthropy: Post Election 2004. Grantmakers Without Borders & Northern California Grantmakers. San Francisco, CA.
Alternatives to the Globalization: Another World is Possible. IFG. San Francisco, CA.
Third Annual West Coast Hunger Summit. Keynote Speech, National Student Campaign Against Hunger and Homelessness, UC Berkeley.
Why Oppose CAFTA? Board of Directors Meeting, American Jewish World Service, San Francisco, CA.
Globalization & Resistance. KPFA, San Francisco, CA.
Bread & Water: Securing the Essentials. The Education for Sustainable Living Program, UC Santa Barbara & UC Los Angeles,CA.
IPRS: Intellectual Property Rights or Piracy Rights. International Sprouts Grower Association Convention, San Francisco, CA
The Global Price of Free Trade. Provisions Library, Washington DC.
Hunger Banquet. Keynote Speech, Sonoma State University, CA.
Plenary Speaker, Biodevastation to Biodemocracy, Philadelphia, PA.
Changing the Power Dynamic: Alternatives to International Development. World Affairs Council, San Francisco.
How Alternative Media, ICTs and the Blogging Phenomenon are Changing Communication. Helsinki Conference 2005, Helsinki.
Myths of Genetic Engineering. Green Party Gathering, Oakland.
Food, Faith, and Globalization. Presbyterian Church, Sacramento.
USAID: Smart Bombs and Sweet Charity. Green Festival, San Francisco.
A Debate on the WTO. World Social Forum. Mumbai, India.
Ecology, Globalization, and the Rights of the Poor. McPlanet.Com. World Social
Forum, Mumbai, India.
The New Face of Agriculture. 13th Annual Conference, Pennsylvania Association
of Sustainable Agriculture. State College, PA.
So How You’d Become an Activist? Berkeley
Fellowship of Unitarian
Universalists. Berkeley, CA.
Food Sovereignty and the New Face of Agriculture. The Macalester Environmental
and International Studies Department and the Institute for Trade and Agriculture
Policy. Minnesota, MN.
GMOs and Measure H. Committee for a GMO Free Mendocino, Mendocino, CA.
Taco Bell Truth Tour Rally. Coalition for Immokalee Workers, Irvine, CA.
Bite Back Campaign: Speaking Tour of Netherlands. Friends of the Earth,
Netherlands. Lectures at the University of Larenstijn, Eindhoven, Nijmegen,
Utrecht, Leeuwarden, and Groningen.
Public lectures at the Ministry of
Agriculture, Amsterdam, Utrecht, Wageningen, Nijmegen, Gronigen, and Rotterdam.
Ripe for Change: Rethinking California’s Food Economy. ISEC, San Francisco,
Genetic Engineering: Endangering the World’s Food and Farms. Opening Plenary,
Reclaim the Commons Teach In, San Francisco, CA.
Countering Myths of Genetic Engineering. Workshop, Reclaim the Commons Teach
In, San Francisco, CA.
The New Face of Agriculture: Linking Justice with Sustainability. Keynote
Address, California Food and Justice Summit, Los Angeles, CA.
Global Struggle Against GMOs and GE Free Alameda. Coalition for GE Free
Alameda, Berkeley, CA.
Towards Ensuring Food Sovereignty. International Conference on Hunger, Food
Aid and GMOs, Maputo, Mozambique.
Food Sovereignty: A New Farm Economy to Challenge Economic Globalization.
Plenary Speaker, XI World Congress of Rural Sociology, Trondheim, Norway.
Joining Hands Against Hunger: Free Trade or Freedom from Hunger. International
Consultation, Presbyterian Hunger Program, Tacoma, Washington.
The New Human Rights Movement: Linking Ecology With Equity. University of Rhode Island Honors Colloquium, Rhode Island.
Food Sovereignty: Challenging Corporate Takeover of our Food System. Science, Technology, And Society Colloquium Series, Bucknell University, Pennsylvania.
Hunger: From Around the World to our own Backyard. Hunger Awareness Week, DePaul University, Chicago.
The Role of the Civil Society in a Globalized World. Keynote Speaker, Bridging Global Gaps, Forum 2000 Conference, Prague, Czech Republic.
Food Fight. Keynote Speaker, San Francisco Food Professionals Society, San Francisco, California.
Food Democracy. Keynote Speaker, Harvest Dinner, Presbyterian Church, Montclair, California.
Another World is Possible. Plenary Speaker, Dutch Social Forum, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
War in Iraq: War at Home. Annual Conference, National Student Campaign Against
Hunger and Homelessness. Trinity College, Hartford, CT.
Open Fire Open Markets: Strategy of an Empire. Kennedy School of Government.
Harvard University, Boston, MA.
Mobilizing for FTAA. FTAA West Coast Consulta. Oakland, CA.
From Cancun to Miami. The Bioneers. Marin, CA.
Social Movements and Struggle for Justice. Annual Conference, Grantmakers
Without Borders. Tuczon, AZ.
War in Iraq and the Threat to Democracy. Annual Conference, Empowering
Democracy. Oakland, CA.
Sacramento Ministerial: Resistance Against GE. Annual Conference, Robert and
Patricia Switzer Foundation. Marin, CA.
GE is Not a Solution: Alternatives to Globalization. IFG Teach In. Cancun,
Trade and New Technologies. International Farmers Forum. Cancun, Mexico.
FTAA and Food Security. Legal Conference on FTAA. Sao Paolo, Brazil.
Politics of War. Reparations Movement for African Americans. San Francisco,
Forging Our Way Ahead: How to Link Peace and Justice Movement. Democratic
Socialists of America. Oakland, CA.
Biotechnology and the Third World. Food First and PANNA Public Debate.
Sacramento, CA.
Freedom From Hunger and the Right to Food. 20th Anniversary Keynote,
Development Fund. Oslo, Norway.
Free Trade and America’s Working Poor. Congressional Briefing. Washington, DC.
Social Morality and Biotechnology. Annual Conference, CropLife. Belgium,
Food Sovereignty: The Challenges Ahead. International Strategy Meeting, Via
Campesina. Belgium, Brussels.
Resistance is Fertile. Organic Consumers Association. San Francisco, CA.
The Road to Cancun. Annual Hunger Banquet, Sonoma State University. Sonoma,
The Road Ahead. Commencement Speech, Energy and Resources Group, UC Berkeley.
Berkeley, CA.
Enough: Staying Human in an Engineered Age. Center for Genetics and Ethics.
San Francisco, CA.
Politics of World Hunger. Walnut College, Los Angeles, CA.
Globalization From Below: Alternatives to Globalization. University of Santa
Clara, Santa Clara, CA.
A Better World is Possible. Keynote, Brisbane Social Forum. Brisbane,
World Hunger: 12 Myths. Monash University, University of Brisbane, Australia.
Freedom from Hunger Versus Freedom to Trade. Globalism Institute Lecture.
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Melbourne, Australia.
GE and the Third World. University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia.
State of the Movement. Annual Conference, Global Greengrants. San Francisco,
Water a Commodity or a Human Right. World Water Forum. Kyoto, Japan.
Local Food: Global Prosperity. Foundation for Global Community. Palo Alto, CA.
Politics of World Hunger. West Coast Meeting, National Student Campaign
Against Hunger and Homelessness. UC Irvine, Irvine, CA.
Alternatives to Globalization: A Better World is Possible. World Social Forum.
Porto Alegre, Brazil.
2002 Farm Bill and the Threat to Family Farmers. World Social Forum. Porto
Alegre, Brazil.
Reinventing Revolution: The Search for Solutions. Ela Baker Center for Human
Rights. Marin, CA.
Alternatives to Globalization. IFG Teach In. San Francisco, CA.
Impact of September 11 on Human Rights. Annual Conference, International
Funders Network on Human Rights. San Francisco, CA.
Ensuring the Human Right to Food. World Public Assembly of the Participatory
Budget with War Expenses. World Social Forum. Porto Alegre, Brazil.
FTAA: Impact on Rural Communities. Keynote, Annual Conference, Ag Missions.
Belize City, Belize.
Social Clauses and Workers Rights: The Way Forward. Seminar on Workers Rights.
New Delhi, India.
Conversation on Global Justice and Media Democracy. Annual Fundraiser, Media
Alliance. San Francisco, CA.
Reframing Globalization: The Challenge for Human Rights. Keynote, Annual
Conference, Amnesty International. Seattle, WA.
Trade Secrets. Premier. UC Berkeley Labor Center, Berkeley, CA.
Global Governance: Is it Possible? The E Parliamentarians. Teneriffe, Spain.
The Road from Stockholm to Johannesburg. Ministry of Environment. Stockholm,
The Right to Food vs. Food Security. Bangkok Roundtable II. Bangkok, Thailand.
Globalization and WSSD: What’s at Stake at Johannesburg. IFG Teach In. San
Francisco, CA.
Will Biotech Feed the World. Internationally Televised Debate, Down to Earth.
Johannesburg, South Africa.
Food Security and Globalization. Center for South Asia Studies. UC Berkeley,
Berkeley, CA.
Why Should We Resist Globalization. Keynote, Annual Conference AED Fellowship. Washington, DC.
Biotechnology and the Threat to Food Security. IFG Teach In. Johannesburg,
South Africa.
Hunger, Agriculture, and Food Security. Keynote, World Sustainability Hearing.
Johannesburg, South Africa.
Food Security and Gender Issues in the Age of Globalization. Keynote, APRODEV
Conference. Zurich, Switzerland.
Food and the Environment: The Costs, Benefits, and Consequences of Modern Food
Production,. Debate, Western Knight Center for Journalism. UC Berkeley,
Berkeley, CA.
WTO Take Over of Johannesburg. New College, San Francisco, CA.
WSSD: A Success or A Failure. World Affairs Council. San Francisco, CA.
Dialogue on Globalization. Forum 2000. Prague, Czech Republic.
The Unholy Trinity: The WTO, World Bank and the IMF. Keynote, University of
Prague. Prague, Czech Republic.
Politics of Hunger. Green Festival. San Francisco, CA.
Youth and People of Color in Resistance. IFG Youth Conference. San Francisco,
GE and the Third World. Testimony, The Royal Commission on GE. Auckland, New
Technology and Globalization in the New Millennium. IFG Teach In. New York,
Food for Life. Keynote, Social Justice Dioceses of Oakland. Oakland, CA.
World Hunger: 12 Myths. Keynote, Lawrence University. Appleton, WI.
Building Resistance. Keynote, Asian Development Bank Annual Meetings, ADB
Watch. Honolulu, HI.
What’s Next: The Threat of Nonotechnology. Dag Hammorskold Foundation.
Uppsala, Sweden.
The Human Right to Food. Keynote, Society for Nutrition Education. Oakland,
Globalization and the Threat to American Family Farmers. Keynote, Small
Framers Consultation, United Church of Christ. Omaha, NE.
From Field to Fork, Keynote, 2001 Provender Odyssey, Provender Alliance.
Portland, OR.
Ensuring Human Rights in America. Congressional Economic Human Rights Bus
Tour. Northern California.
Biotechnology in Agriculture. Keynote, Annual Conference, National Network of
Grantmakers. Oakland, CA.
State of the Movement for Sustainable Agriculture and Food System. Keynote,
Environmental Grantmakers Association. New York, NY.
Will Biotech Feed the World: A Forum for Agricultural Ministers from the
Developing Countries. Center for Ecoliteracy. Berkeley, CA.
Labor’s Next Century. Debate, The Nation Institute. New York, NY.
Politics of Hunger. Keynote, Tampa Bay Teach In. Tampa, FL.
What About Economic Rights. A Symposium on Wealth, Poverty & Human Rights,
Human Rights Center. UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA.
Beyond Seattle: Focus on the IMF and the World Bank. IFG Teach In. Washington,
The Last Plantation. Rally for Black Farmers. Washington, DC.
Politics of Hunger. Keynote, Annual Conference, PAN International. Dakar,
Sustainable Agriculture in the New Millennium: The Impact of Biotechnology on
Developing Countries. Keynote, FOE International. Belgium, Brussels.
Globalization and Food Security. Oxfam Belgium. Brussels, Belgium.
Will Biotech Feed the World. Keynote, Rotary Club. El Cerrito, CA.
Building a Just and Sustainable Food System. Keynote, LA Coalition Against GE.
Los Angeles, CA.
Biotech and the Third World. Organic Consumers Association. San Francisco, CA.
Globalization and the Role of United Nations, Can the United Nations BeSalvaged. IFG Teach In. New York, NY.
GE and the Third World. Keynote, Interfaith Center for Corporate Responsibility. New York, NY.
Taking Back our Food, Farms and Play Grounds. Annual Retreat, Pesticide Action
Network North America. San Francisco, CA.
Building a Healthy Food System. Community Food Security Symposium. UC
Berkeley, Berkeley, CA.
The Threat of Globalization to Food Security. The Bioneers. Marin, CA.
Building a Grassroots Response to Economic Globalization. Keynote, Annual
Meeting, Council of Canadians. Toronto, Canada.
Civil Society’s Response to Globalization. Keynote, Funders Network on Trade
and Globalization. San Francisco, CA.
Bring Food Home: Getting Healthy Food into our Communities. Keynote, Women of
Color Resource Center. Berkeley, CA
From the Ground Up. Keynote, National Black Family Farmers Association Annual
Conference. New Orleans, LA.
Food & Agriculture Concerns in the Era of Globalization. Annual Conference,
Environmental Grantmakers Association. New York, NY.
World Hunger: 12 Myths. Keynote, University of Colorado. Durango, CO.
Right to Food Vs. the Right to Trade. Keynote, United Church of Christ
Conference on Global Economic Justice. Seattle, WA.
Toward a Democratic and Just Food System. Keynote, Community Food Security
Coalition. Chicago, IL.
Agreement on Agriculture and the Right to Food. Teach in on the WTO,
International Forum on Globalization. Seattle, WA.
Day On Agriculture. WTO Teach in and Rally. Seattle, WA.
Lessons from Seattle. Keynote, Peace Action. San Mateo, CA.
What Happened in Seattle and Going Beyond Seattle. Keynote, Point Reyes
Community Center. Point Reyes, CA.
Does America Need Human Rights. Luncheon Speaker, San Francisco Community Food
Bank. San Francisco, CA.
China and the WTO. Bay Area Labor Left. Berkeley, CA.
Globalization and Food Security. Institute for Health Policy Studies, UC San
Francisco. San Francisco, CA.
Alternatives to Globalization. Keynote, Public Forum. Boston, MA.
Will Globalization of Industrial Agriculture Feed the World? Annual
Conference, National Network of Grantmakers. Boston, MA.
Politics of Post Seattle World. Modern Times Book Store Globalization Series.
San Francisco, CA.
Ensuring Economic Human Rights in America. Congressional Economic Human Rights
Bus Tour. Urban and Rural Georgia.
Human Rights and Socio-Economic Development: The UDHR at 50. Asia Pacific
Conference. Washington, DC.
Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI) and the Threat to American Freedom.
International Forum on Globalization Teach In. San Francisco, CA.
Freedom to Trade Versus Freedom from Hunger. Speaking Tour of the Philippines.
Economic Human Rights: The Time Has Come!. Luncheon Address, Annual
Conference, Church World Service. San Francisco, CA.
Challenge the Power: A Sacramento Forum on the MAI. Citizens’ Group.
Sacramento, CA.
Debt Relief and Human Rights. Annual Conference, Overseas Development Network.
San Francisco, CA.
Fair Trade For Our Future: NAFTA Fair Trade or Bust. Nationwide Congressional
Bus Tour. San Francisco, CA.
South Asian Activists Shape the Diaspora Identity. Keynote, South Asian
Students Forum. UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA.
Congressional Hearing on Increasing Hunger and Poverty in America. Oakland,
Politics of Hunger. Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA.
Hungry for Justice. Luncheon Speaker, California Food Policy Advocates Annual
Conference. Sacramento, CA.
Globalization and Inequality. American Sociological Association. San
Francisco, CA.
Congressional Hearing on Increasing Hunger and Poverty in America. Washington,
Human Rights and International Development Policy. New College, San Francisco,
The Right to Food: A Goal? World Food Day, Televised Debate. Washington, DC.
The Struggle for Human Rights. Arch Dioceses of San Francisco. San Francisco,
Needs Versus Rights: The Right to Food. UDHR Conference. New York, NY.
International Financial Institutions and Human Rights. Keynote, University of
Gothenburg. Gothenburg, Sweden.
Ensuring the Right to Food. Keynote, FORUM. Oslo, Norway.
Making Organic Sustainable. IDRC. Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Vancouver,
The Human Right to Food. Annual Conference, Gray Panthers. San Francisco, CA.
1996 World Food Summit and Beyond. Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA.
Youth in the Social Justice Movement. Annual Conference, Students United for
Justice in the Americas. Berkeley, CA.
The Right to Food and Public Health. School of Public Health, UC Berkeley.
Berkeley, CA.
Implications of Globalization on Food Security. Keynote, South East Asia Food
Security Council. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.