Introduction to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety
Entered into force: 11 September 2003
As of 2 July 2004, 101 countries are Parties Most of the Parties are developing countries, with the majority from Africa and small island states CPB: 1st and only international law on genetic engineering/genetically modified organisms 1st Meeting of the Parties was held in Kuala Lumpur from 23-27 February 2004Significance of the Protocol
Recognises for the 1st time in international law that GMOs are inherently different from other naturally occurring organisms and carry special risks and hazards and therefore need to be regulated internationally Recognises that GMOs may have biodiversity, human health and socio-economic impacts; and that these impacts must be risk assessed Recognises the crucial importance of centres of origin and diversitySignificance of the Protocol
Operationalises the Precautionary Principle in decision-making; further establishes the Precautionary Principle in international law Principle of prior informed consent Establishes the right to say ‘no’ Provides a measure of protection for countries implementing biosafety from WTO threats Deals with international transboundary movement and international liability Opens political space internationally & nationallyCartagena Protocol on Biosafety
• Deals mainly with the transboundary movement of GMOs through the AIA (advance informed agreement/ prior informed consent) procedure Decisions made based on risk assessment and the Precautionary Principle Scope of the CPB covers all GMOs Exclusion of some GMOs from the AIA procedure (transit, contained use, LMO-FFPs) GM pharmaceuticals for humansNational Implementation
The Cartagena Protocol is a negotiated framework international law that sets minimum standards for national biosafety implementation Sovereign countries are free to interpret, and implement the Cartagena Protocol in a more comprehensive way, and with higher standards Article 2.4: “Nothing in this Protocol shall be interpreted as restricting the right of a Party to take action that is more protective of the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity than called for in this Protocol…”The CPB and Food Aid
‘Food aid’ is not explicitly mentioned in the CPB, but, must be considered as GM grain is LMO-FFP (e.g. whole corn and whole soybeans) WFP recognises any GM commodity (as defined by CPB) distributed by WFP to or transiting through a Party, should be considered LMO-FFPs So procedures of the CPB applying to LMO-FFPs apply to grain food aid [Processed food e.g. corn-soy blend, not considered under CPB, but national legislation can regulate this]LMO-FFPs under the CPB
Exempt from AIA procedure. A Party making a decision regarding domestic use must inform Parties of decision, through the Biosafety Clearing House (BCH). Must provide, at a minimum, some information (includes info on the genetic modification, donor & recipient organism, risk assessment report) Any Party can request additional information from the authority making that decision Precautionary Principle applies to decisionmakingLMO-FFPs under the CPB
CPB preserves the right of Parties to take a decision on the import of LMO-FFPs according to its domestic regulatory framework In the absence of a domestic framework, a developing country Party can still take a decision on an LMO-FFP in accordance with a risk assessment, as long as the intention’s made known Failure to communicate a decision within the stipulated timeframe does not imply consent or refusal to import the LMO-FFPDocumentation accompanying LMO-FFPs
Clearly identifies that they “may contain” LMOs and are not intended for intentional introduction into the environment Contact point for further information MOP must take decision on detailed requirements, no later than 2 years after entry into force (i.e. by Sept. 2005)MOP1 Decision on Documentation
Reaffirms the criteria set out in the Protocol Parties and other Govts urged to further include common, scientific & commercial names, the transformation event code or unique identifier Encourages Parties and other Governments to require exporters to declare that the documentation accompanying LMO-FFPs are identified as such with no ambiguity (not “may contain”) An expert group was set up to elaborate detailed requirements and report to the next MOP in 2005. The above measures are thus interim, but countries are requested or urged to take them nowUSDA Guidance on Art.18.2(a) for Food Aid Program Partners
The US is not a Party; it maintains that it cannot require that US exporters comply with the CPB. “It is the responsibility of exporters to meet the Parties’ requirements under the Protocol when exporting to Parties.” Recognises that exporters should comply with recipient country regulations, if they exist If recipient country has no domestic regulations on LMO-FFPs documentation, and is a Party, USDA recommends:(1) “may contain” declaration on commercial invoice;
(2) last exporter and first importer as contact points;
(3) for all whole grain shipments of commodities of GM varieties approved and grown in the US (i.e. whole corn & soy);
(4) adventitious presence should not trigger “may contain”