Ethiopia: The Regional Upheavals Caused by Chinese Investments
Djibouti (HAN) October 25, 2020 – Regional Investment projects and financial initiatives. Why Hydropower Dam in Ethiopia Worries the triangle countries of Eritrea, Sudan and Egypt and angered President Trump of United States of America?Rackety trucks rush across Sudan’s border with its backwater neighbor of Ethiopian tribes, stirring up clouds of dust and drowning the tweets of tropical birds.
Chinese projects to construct roads in one of Africa’s poorest regions between Sudan and Amhara regional state of Ethiopia date back to 1974-1990 when Tigray (TPLF) and Eritrea (EPLF, ELF) was subject to a proxy war between the global Cold War superpowers (USA & USSR).
Nowadays, China is its largest foreign investor and aid provider in a series of infrastructure projects, claiming to change local life for better in Ethiopian highlanders. “Regarding the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam issue, we hope the differences between the two nations could be resolved through dialogue and peaceful negotiations,” Zhang Gaohui, the chief of political affairs at the Chinese Embassy in Ethiopia’s capital, Addis Ababa, said. But critics have raised serious concerns about the impact of the projects, pointing at their gigantic price tags and environmental issues, among others. The Djibouti-Ethiopia railway cost almost $4.5 billion, 30% of which was financed by Djibouti with loans. 95% of Ethiopia’s trade passes through Djibouti, accounting for 70% of the activity at the Port of Djibouti.