Documentation for African Land Ltd
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African Land Brochures and Advertisements
Various media and advertisements by African Land Limited.
1. Capital Alternatives Video Advertisement.mp4
2. African_Land_(We_Harvest_You_Profit)_Brochure.pdf
3. African_Land_(The_World_Needs_Feeding)_Brochure.pdf
4. African_Farmland_Investment_with_GreenWorld.pdf
5. Farmland_in_Australia_CA.pdf
6. Farmland_in_Australia_VA.pdf
Lease Agreements
Official lease agreements and options held by African Land Limited.
1. Yoni_Farms_ African_Land_Lease.pdf
5. Tunkia_Chiefdom_and_part_of_Gaura_Chiefdom_Lease.pdf
African Land Not Authorized By Local Leaders to Sublease Land
Statements from the Paramount Chief and Provincial Secretary of Bo District affirming that African Land had no permission to sublease.
Support from the Government of Sierra Leone
Documents from the Sierra Leonean government supporting African Land and classifying them as a “Community Based Organization.” The documents also support the work of Capital Alternatives.
1. Support_for_African_Land_and_Capital_Alternatives.pdf
2. Support_for_Capital_Alternatives.pdf
3. Designation_as_a_Community_Based_Organization.pdf
FCA Case
Statements by African Land and the FCA on the court case.
2. FCA_Statement_to_Investors.pdf
Attempts to Sell African Land Despite FCA and Court Order
Documents from African Land Limited and Velvet Assets attempting to find an “angel investor” for Yoni Farms land.
1. African_Land_Limited_Court_Order.pdf
2. Sierra_Leone_Farmland_Opportunity.pdf
3. African_Land_Due_Diligence_Pack.pdf
4. Velvet_Assets_Corporate_Profile.pdf
General Documentation
1. Sampling of Investor Questions and Concerns.pdf
2. SLIEPA Land Acquisition Process.pdf