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Demand Swedish Energy Agency Suspend Future Payments to Green Resources & Cancel the Deal for Purchase of Carbon Credits!

The operations of Green Resources — a Norwegian industrial forestry plantation and a carbon offsets company — have resulted in loss of lands, livelihoods and increased hunger for the local communities at Kachung and Bukaleba — its two sites in Uganda.


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Oakland Institute’s 2014 report The Darker Side of Green exposed Green Resources as responsible for forced land evictions as it took control of 11,864 hectares of land, driving the destruction of livelihoods, increased hunger, loss of forest resources and environmental shock to ecologically fragile ecosystems. This stands in stark contrast to the fake claims made by the company related to community development and sustainable forestry.

Following the Institute’s exposé in 2014, revealing the devastating consequences of Green Resources’ forestry plantations for local communities, its only carbon credit buyer, the Swedish Energy Agency, suspended a four million dollar deal until ten key grievances associated with the project were addressed. The following year, Green Resources’ major shareholder, global forestry investment firm, Phaunos Timber Fund, also divested from the company.


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As the Swedish Energy Agency reassesses whether to resume payments to Green Resources — a decision pending later this year — the Oakland Institute has conducted a fresh investigation into the situation in Kachung. Carbon Colonialism, the new report based on research conducted in late 2017 stands in stark contrast to the findings of the Kachung Community Development Performance Audit report, commissioned by the Swedish Energy Agency. This audit report demonstrates clear bias in favor of Green Resources and fails to acknowledge the climate injustice perpetuated by the company. The auditors turn a blind eye to the many threats Green Resources post to the very survival of villagers living around the plantation, including the on-going hunger crisis that has arisen as a direct result of restrictions placed on access to land, water and firewood. The audit also fails to account for the perilous working conditions for Green Resources’ workers.

Please Join Us in Demanding Justice for the Villagers in Uganda!

Given the growing weight of evidence that this industrial monoculture forestry plantation is incompatible with the needs of local people who rely upon this land for their existence and livelihoods, it is shocking that the Swedish Energy Agency would even consider the re-instatement of dealings with Green Resources.

Please join us and take action against carbon colonialism by demanding that the Swedish Energy Agency suspend all future payments, as well as cancel its deal with Green Resources for the purchase of carbon credits in the future.

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