Daily Reports From The WTO in Hong Kong

Read Daily Reports From Hong Kong
Oakland Institute's Director, Anuradha Mittal and Oakland Institute's Fellow Becky Tarbotton and David Solnit report from inside the Ministerial and from events in the parallel NGO forums and mobilizations in the streets.
December 9: Hong Kong Leading Up to the WTO
December 10: Hong Kong Migrant Workers Undeterred by Police Intimidation
December 11: Globalize Hope - Derailing the WTO in Hong Kong
December 12: Freedom to Trade or Freedom From Hunger?
December 14: Lamy's "Development Package" Lies Unfurled
December 14: Its Always Christmas for the Big Service Corporations!
December 14: Asia Pacific Peasant Women Denounce the WTO
December 14: A Swimming Lesson from the Koreans
December 15: Aid for Trade : Poor Washing Abounds at the Sixth WTO Ministerial in Hong Kong
December 16: G-120: A Token Alliance or More
December 16: Inside/Outside Divide Sparks Hunger Strike
December 18, Hong Kong: A City Under Siege?
Kong Yee Sai Mau: The Battle of Hong Kong
Migrant Diaries
Migrant Diaries documents the efforts and experiences of National Network for Immigrant & Refugee Rights (NNIRR) in various international arenas including the WTO ministerial meetings, the World Social Forum, etc.
Colin Rajah, Fellow at the Oakland Institute and the International Migrant Rights Program Coordinator at the NNIRR, will be representing the National Network at the WTO Ministerial Meeting.
View photos from the 6th WTO Ministerial in Hong Kong.
Click Here for More on the Hong Kong Ministerial