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Drying Out African Lands report cover

Drying Out African Lands: Expansion of Large-Scale Agriculture Threatens Access to Water in Africa

As the escalating climate crisis threatens access to water for millions across Africa, Drying Out African Lands: Expansion of Large-Scale Agriculture Threatens Access to Water in Africa unveils the devastating impact of large-scale agricultural plantations on the right to water on the continent. Since the 2007-2008 food crisis, Africa has been the primary destination of private international investors for large-scale agriculture schemes...

Surrendering Our Future: Senhuile-Senethanol Plantation Destroys Local Communities and Jeopardizes Environment

Senhuile-Senéthanol, an agribusiness company, has been setting up agro-industrial plantations in the Saint-Louis region of northwest Senegal since July 2010. Owned by a complex maze of companies and individuals with ties to numerous countries around the world, including Italy, United States, Brazil, and Panama, the company holds a lease for 20,000 hectares of land. From the very inception of the project, Senhuile-Senéthanol has faced stiff...

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Réunion communautaire pour discuter de la résistance aux opérations d’African Agriculture à travers

La chute d’un agro-business étatsunien accapareur de terres : faillite d’une nouvelle imposture pour exploiter l’Afrique

Wednesday, October 9, 2024 Andy Currier

Le matin du 7 décembre 2023, des confettis pleuvaient sur Alan Kessler, le PDG d’African Agriculture, alors qu’il sonnait la cloche d’ouverture de la bourse du NASDAQ et que la société fêtait son entrée à la bourse de New York. La mission revendiquée de l’entreprise étatsunienne était alors de « garantir l’approvisionnement en nourriture et protéine pour le siècle à venir » tout en offrant « une valeur significative à ses actionnaires ». Pour...

Communities gathering to discuss resistance to African Agriculture’s operations across the Sahel Dec

Demise of a Land Grabbing US-Agribusiness: The Latest in Failed Scams to Dispossess Africa

Wednesday, October 9, 2024 Andy Currier

On the morning of December 7, 2023, confetti rained down on Alan Kessler, the CEO of African Agriculture, as he rang the opening bell at the NASDAQ stock exchange and the company started trading publicly. The US-based firm’s claimed mission : “secure food and protein for the coming century” while delivering “significant value for its shareholders.” Towards this goal, it touted lofty plans to produce animal feed for export and sell carbon credits...

Community Resistance to Senhuile Land Grab Sparks Hope in Senegal

Thursday, September 1, 2016 Alice Martin-Prével

Senegalese agro-pastoralists are striking wins against Senhuile SA, a foreign-owned agribusiness company established in Ndiaël, Saint-Louis Region of Senegal. In 2012, Senhuile obtained a 50 year lease on 20,000 hectares for a sweet potato plantation in a forest and wetland reserve, which was partially declassified to establish agribusiness activities.

Senegal Land Grab: Will Foreign Company Survive an Embezzling Employee and Local Protests?

Wednesday, May 21, 2014 Jettie Word

Senhuile, a foreign-owned agriculture company operating in Senegal , announced on April 28, 2014 that it had “revoked” its CEO Benjamin Dummai. A few weeks later Senegalese authorities arrested Dummai on charges of embezzling almost half a million dollars. Senhuile not only faces bankruptcy because of Dummai’s criminal behavior, but must also address the mounting pressure from local communities opposing its industrial agricultural plantations...

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