Campaign Victory: World Bank Suspends Funding for REGROW

Campaign Victory
On November 6, 2024, the World Bank’s Resilient Natural Resource Management for Tourism and Growth (REGROW) project in Tanzania was cancelled after nearly two years of steadfast advocacy by the Oakland Institute on behalf of communities facing evictions and egregious human rights abuses as a result of the project.
Cancellation of the Bank’s project is a critical step towards justice for the millions of Indigenous victims of forced evictions and abuses for the sake of tourism revenue.
Timeline of Events
Latest News
- $150M World Bank project plagued by allegations of violence and abuse terminated in Tanzania International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ)
- World Bank cancels $150m tourism project in Tanzania after abuse claims Mongabay
All Media Coverage
- World Bank Suspends Tanzania Tourism Funding Amid Allegations of Killings and Evictions Africa Equity
- World Bank suspends funding for Tanzania tourism project Africa News
- World Bank suspends funding for Tanzania national parks after human-rights violation claim The Africa Report
- TANZANIA: The World Bank suspends funding for the extension of Ruaha Park Afrik21
- La Banque mondiale suspend le financement d’un projet d’agrandissement d’un parc national Afrique Confidentielle
- Experts in Tanzania Want Conservation ‘Decolonised’ As World Bank Pulls Out of Controversial Project The Chanzo
- World Bank and REGROW Project in Tanzania: A Timeline of Key Events The Chanzo
- En Tanzanie comme ailleurs, les communautés autochtones sont en première ligne Courrier International
- World Bank suspends funding for Tanzanian conservation projects Geographical
- The World Bank suspends funding for the extension of Ruaha Park in Tanzania Kigali Times
- La Banque mondiale suspend le financement d’un projet touristique en Tanzanie Le360Afrique/AFP
- Under the scrutiny of human rights organizations, the World Bank halts financing for Tanzania’s tourism venture Medafrica Times
- Human rights allegations prompt World Bank to freeze project’s funds in Tanzania Mongabay
- World Bank suspends R2.9 billion Tanzania tourism project over human rights abuses allegations News24
- World Bank withholds much-needed tourism funding for Tanzania Our Today
- Droits humains: la Banque mondiale suspend son financement à un projet touristique tanzanien RFI
- Claims of Killings, Evictions Prompt World Bank to Suspend Funding for Tanzania's Tourism Sputnik Africa
- WHEN TOURISM GOES WRONG: World Bank backs out of Tanzania project Travel Industry Today
- World Bank suspension of Tanzania tourism project lauded VOA
- Benki ya Dunia yasitisha ufadhili wa mradi wa utalii na uhifadhi nchini Tanzania VOA Swahili