Call to Action: Asian People’s Rally Against WTO
During the last decade, it has been exposed over and over again, through the mass mobilizations of peoples all around the world as well as criticisms from developing countries within the WTO, that the WTO itself and particularly the on-going Doha negotiations have nothing to do with ‘development’, sacrifices food sovereignty, devastates the lives of peasants, workers, women, the poor and ordinary people, and hands over basic public services to transnational capital. However, major imperialist allies and their puppets continue to unilaterally push for a deal, hoping that a deal in the upcoming Ministerial meeting will save the WTO, which has been tarnished by illegitimacy, anti-democracy and falsehood.
As with other parts of the world, Asian people have been hard hit by the WTO as well as other neoliberal institutions and policies – international and domestic. Although some countries may be more developed than others, we all share the fact that millions of peasants have become destitute – enough to drive many farmers in Korea, India and many other countries to give up their lives, while majority of workers suffer from irregularization with their basic labour rights being seriously undermined. Feminization of poverty is widespread in all parts of Asia, while what remains of the meager welfare and basic services is being destroyed. We also share the fact that we have been and continue to under threats of imperialism and militarism.
The next Ministerial meeting is coming up in less than a month. The meeting has come over to Hong Kong, which all the more manifests the intentions of capital to exploit the people and resources of Asia. The recent APEC Summit that was held in Korea and the special statement on the WTO stipulating that a deal must be made also shows how US is using various mechanisms and its allied governments in Asia to force an agreement.
And this is precisely why it is important that Asian movements exert ourselves and stand in the forefront in the struggles against the WTO in Hong Kong.
Under this context, we propose an ASIAN PEOPLES RALLY on the 14th December in Hong Kong. The rally will be an occasion to show the determination of Asian people – the determination that we will not accept the illegitimate deal being promoted by the US and EU, the determination that we will hold our own governments accountable for its neoliberal policies.
14TH DECEMBER 2005; 2pm – 4pm
We call on all Asian organizations, movements and individuals to join. We call on movements from outside of Asia to join also in solidarity!
No to Neoliberal Globalization!
Asian Movements, Let’s Stand In Forefront in the Struggles against the WTO!