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Andy Currier

Réunion communautaire pour discuter de la résistance aux opérations d’African Agriculture à travers
October 9, 2024
Le matin du 7 décembre 2023, des confettis pleuvaient sur Alan Kessler, le PDG d’African Agriculture, alors qu’il sonnait la cloche d’ouverture de la bourse du NASDAQ et que la société fêtait son entrée à la bourse de New York. La mission revendiquée de l’entreprise étatsunienne était alors de « garantir l’approvisionnement en nourriture et protéine pour le siècle à venir » tout en offrant « une valeur significative à ses actionnaires ». Pour atteindre cet objectif, elle a présenté des projets...
Communities gathering to discuss resistance to African Agriculture’s operations across the Sahel Dec
October 9, 2024
On the morning of December 7, 2023, confetti rained down on Alan Kessler, the CEO of African Agriculture, as he rang the opening bell at the NASDAQ stock exchange and the company started trading publicly. The US-based firm’s claimed mission: “secure food and protein for the coming century” while delivering “significant value for its shareholders.” Towards this goal, it touted lofty plans to produce animal feed for export and sell carbon credits on a staggering over 2.9 million hectares of land...
Community members of Mwingi
May 3, 2022
Les communautés de Lokutu, Yaligimba et Boteka ont attendu trop longtemps que leurs droits à la terre et à la vie soient restaurés. Les investisseurs doivent être mis devant leurs responsabilités pour leur inaction.
Community members of Mwingi
May 3, 2022
The Lokutu, Yaligimba, and Boteka communities have waited far too long for their rights to land and life to be restored; investors must be held responsible for their continued inaction
Justice for Tumandok Massacre poster
January 26, 2021
The government’s development strategy prioritizes a "modern" export-oriented commercial agriculture system that directly threatens farmers' and Indigenous Peoples' right to land and life. Those who organize and resist are killed or imprisoned with impunity in President Rodrigo Duterte's Philippines.
USAID project mapping and titling land in Petauke, Zambia in July 2018. Photo: Sandra Coburn
September 16, 2020
Shifting land registries onto blockchain is a part of the broader move to "unlock the economic potential of land" in order to put more land and natural resources into exploitation by private interests.
Mexican fruit pickers. (CC BY-NC 2.0) Alex Proimos
Mexican fruit pickers. (CC BY-NC 2.0) Alex Proimos
March 31, 2020
Forced to continue working in conditions that place their lives at risk, the harsh realities these workers face in daily life are coming center stage.
Flooded fields near the Shire and Linkhubula rivers in Malawi. The area is still recovering from the flooding after Cyclone Idai hit the country. Credit: GovernmentZA (CC BY-ND 2.0)
January 23, 2020
On October 15th 2019, Malawi’s Minister of Agriculture, Irrigation, and Water Development, Kondwani Nankhuma kicked off the 14th year of the country’s Farm Input Subsidy Program (FISP). The program, which distributes vouchers to farmers that subsidize the cost of fertilizer and "improved" seed varieties, has been the dominant response to persistent food insecurity in the country.
Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue. Credit: USDA, Tom Witham
December 26, 2019
Early December, the Trump administration finalized a rule that will tighten work requirements to qualify for food stamps; a decision that will strip desperately needed food assistance from an estimated 700,000 people.