Anuradha Mittal: Major Publications
Books and Journals
"Free Trade is a Human Rights Calamity," Introduction to Shafted: Free Trade and America's Working Poor. Food First Books, 2003.
Voices From the South: Third World Speaks Out Against Genetic Engineering. PANNA and Food First Books, June 2003. (Editor)
The Future in the Balance: Essays on Globalization and Resistance. Food First Books, 2002. (Editor)
"Genetic Engineering and the Privatization of Seeds," Real World Globalization: A Reader in Economics and Politics. 7th edition, Dollars and Sense Collective, 2002.
"The Growing Movement Against Economic Warfare," Foreword to 10 Reasons to Abolish the World Bank. Seven Stories Press, 2001.
"Land Loss, Poverty, and Hunger," Does Globalization Help the Poor. International forum on Globalization, 2001.
"South in the North," Afterword to Views From the South, Effects of Globalization and the WTO on Third World Countries. Food First Books, 2000.
America Needs Human Rights: Fighting Hunger and Poverty in the Richest Nation on Earth. Food First Books, October 1999. (Editor)
"Redefining Security in the New World Order," Peace Review. Number 3, September 1999.
"Food Security in the Age of Economic Globalization," WTO as a Conceptual Framework for Globalization. Global Publications, 1998.
"Quantity, Quality and Equality: The Illusive Triangle of Women's Education in India," The Other Revolution: Feminist and NGO Movements in South Asia. Sri Satguru Press, 1998.
"Freedom to Trade Vs. Freedom From Hunger," The Fletcher Journal of Development Studies. 1997.
"Freedom to Trade Vs. Freedom From Hunger: Food Security in the Age of Economic Globalization," ICDA Journal: Focus on Trade and Development. 1997.
Policy Briefs and Development Reports
Sahel: A Prisoner of Starvation? A Case Study of the 2005 Food Crisis in Niger. The Oakland Institute, October 2006.
Turning the Tide: Challenging the Right on Campus.Speakout and The Oakland Institute, June 2006.
Playing Politics With Aid: The Unholy Trinity of Defense, Diplomacy and Development in the War on Terrorism. The Oakland Institute, Spring 2006.
Food Aid or Food Sovereignty: Ending World Hunger in Our Time. The Oakland Institute, October 2005.
Inequity in International Agricultural Trade:The Marginalization of Developing Countries and Their Small Farmers. The Oakland Institute Policy Report, March 2005.
Economic Human Rights Bus Tour: May 29-31, 2001. Food First Policy Brief. No. 5, September 2001.
Working Seminar on Workers' Rights and Trade Agreements. Policy Brief, No. 6, April 2002.
Manufacturing a Crisis: The Politics of Food Aid in Indonesia. Food First Development Report. Number 13, May 1999.
The True State of Our Union. Food First Policy Brief. Summer 1998.
"Open Fire and Open Markets: Strategy of an Empire." Food First Backgrounder. Volume 9, No. 3, Summer 2003.
"Giving Away the Farm: The 2002 Farm Bill." Food First Backgrounder. Food First Backgrounder. Volume 8, No. 3, Summer 2002.
"Freedom to Trade? Trading Away American Family Farms." Food First Backgrounder. Volume 7, No. 4 Fall 2001.
"The True State of the Nation: How is America Really Doing." Food First Backgrounder. Volume 7, No. 2, Spring 2001.
"The Last Plantation." Food First Backgrounder. Volume 6, No.1, Winter 2000.
"Progressives, The Rights, and the Anti-China Trade Campaign." Food First Backgrounder. Volume 6, No. 1, Spring 2000.
"Shredding the Safety Net: Welfare Reform As We Know It." Food First Backgrounder. Volume 5, No. 4, Winter 1998.
"Economic Human Rights: FIAN and Food First Put Values Into the Food Security Debate." Food First Backgrounder. Volume 3, No. 4, Winter 1996.
Key Opinions, Opinion Editorials, and Interviews
"Banking on the Neighbors" Terra Viva May 2007
"VII World Social Forum" Terra Viva January 2007
"This Thanksgiving, Change Aid Policies to End Hunger" Progressive Media Project November 2006
"Promises Are no Substitute For Food" Inter Press Service November 2006
"Free Market Famine" Foreign Policy in Focus October 2006
"Suicide: The New Harvest of GM Cotton" Inter Press Service August 14, 2006
"To Stem Flow of Immigrants, Stem Free Trade"Progressive Media Project July 11, 2006
"NAFTA: A Continental Tragedy " Inter Press Service July 2006
"Revolution in the Indian Countryside" Common Dreams May 2006
"Open Letter to President Bush on His Visit to India" AlterNet March 2006
" Freedom to Trade Versus Freedom From Hunger" San Francisco Chronicle December 2005
"This Thanksgiving, Help Change Food Aid Policy to End Hunger" Inter Press Service November 2005
"In a World of Plenty, Food Does Not Reach Those in Need" Ventura County Star November 24, 2005
" Combat Hunger With New Policies" Taiwan News, November 24, 2005
"Wrong Headed Food Policy Monterey Hearld, November 24, 2005
"Passage of CAFTA-DR: A Case of Political Amnesia" Inter Press Service July 2005
"Digging for Gold" GeneWatch June 2005
"The Mirage of Development" Inter Press Service March 2005
"A Mean Budget" Common Dreams , February 2005
"Going Hungry in America" Alternet, December 2004
"Hunger in America" Common Dreams , December 2004
"Can Organics Feed the Masses?" Utne, October 2004.
"Guest Commentary." The Public Eye, Vol. XVIII, No. 2.
"The New Face of Agriculture." Race, Poverty & the Environment, Vol. XI No. 1, Summer 2004.
"Accepteren we Zoveel bloedvergieten." Milieudefensie Magazine, Netherlands May 2004.
"Visions for a 21st Century Agriculture: Interview with Anuradha Mittal." A Bioneers Food and Farming Interview Series, Bioneers, 2004.
"A New Democracy is Being Defined on the Streets." Terraviva, the Independent Newspaper of the World Social Forum, Mumbai, India. Jan. 16-21, 2004
"Congress Must Support Aid to Fight Global Hunger." Knight Ridder Wire Service and Progressive Media Project. December 2003.
"Saying No to Globalization." Spotlight, Germany. November 2003.
"Kenya's Dreams Depend on the Health of One Man." Asia Africa Intelligence Wire. October 20, 2003.
"Pretending to Help the Poor: A Third World Activist Challenges the Hypocrisy of the Biotech Crops." Alternatives, Canada. Volume 29, Number 4, Fall 2003.
"US Guilty of Arrogant Rhetoric and Dumping Cheap, Subsidized Food in Developing Nations." Financial Times. September 25, 2003.
"The Meaning of Cancun." Inter Press Service. September 19, 2003.
"Cancun: Verturosa Ruptura de Platicas." La Jornada, Mexico. September 18, 2003.
"Cancun: Why its Good That the Trade Talks Broke Down." The Globe and Mail, Canada. September 16, 2003.
"Open Fire and Open Markets: Strategy of an Empire." Third World Network Features, Malaysia. September 2003.
"Open Season on the Poor: The War at Home." Third World Network Features, Malaysia. September 2003.
"Open Fire and Open Markets: Strategy of an Empire." Common Dreams News Center. September 6, 2003.
"Apertura de Mercados y Guerra." Americana Latina en Movimento. September 5, 2003.
"Cancun Round May Only Accelerate End of Unjust WTO." Inter Press Service. September 3, 2003.
"Losing the Farm: An Interview With Anuradha Mittal." Multinational Monitor. August 1, 2003.
"Biotechnology Digs for Gold: Golden Rice is For Fools…and the Third World." The Herald, Monterrey. July 20, 2003.
"Cancun Round May Only Accelerate End of Unjust WTO." Inter Press Service. August 2003.
"Golden Rice is Tarnished." AlterNet.ORG. July 23, 2003.
"What Food Shortage?" The Sacramento Bee. June 24, 2003.
"Fratas Retten Til Mat (Interview with Anuradha Mittal)." Klassekampen, Sweden. June 2003.
"Who will tell the Stories of Dissent." AlterNet.ORG. April 15, 2003
"Dissent is Growing." Inter Press Service. April 9, 2003.
"Not in Our Name: An Activist's Response to Bush's War Plan in Iraq (interview with Anuradha Mittal)." The Urban Indian. February 7, 2003.
"Robin Hood in Reverse." New Internationalist. January/February 2003.
"Markkinoiden Avaaminen Laillistaa Rosvouksen (Open Markets Open Plunder)." Maaseudun Tulevaisuus, Finland. January 22, 2003.
"For the Greater Common Good: Indian American Environmental Leaders." India Currents. December 16, 2002.
"Ploughed Under: WTO and the Small Farmer." Terra Viva. September 2, 2002.
"El Hambre De Los Pobres No Conmueve A Los Ricos." La Republica, Uruguay. September 4, 2002.
"The True Cause of World Hunger: Anuradha Mittal Interviewed by Derrick Jensen." Chain Reaction, Australia. No. 88, 2002.
"Nalka Viennissa (The Export of Hunger)." Vihre Lanka, Finland. June 21, 2002.
"Markkinoiden Avaaminen Laillistaa Rosvouksen (Open Markets Open Plunder)." Kansan Tahto, Finland. January 21, 2003.
"Americans Sow Subsidies, Africans Reap Death." Adbusters. November/December 2002.
"WTO in Sydney: Rule by the Rich for the Rich." Inter Press Service. November 7, 2002.
"El ALCA, Una Cartamagna Corporativa." La Hora, Ecuador. November 2, 2002.
"US Farm Bill Turns Ploughshares Back Into Weapons." Inter Press Service. September 26, 2002.
"OMC, un Gobierno de Los Ricos, Para Los Ricos." La Republica, Uruguay. October 29, 2002.
"Return Lost Paradise – Kashmir- to its People." Houston Chronicle. June 17, 2002.
"Kashmir Should be Returned to its People." Gazette Mail, West Virginia. June 16, 2002.
"Give Kashmir the Right to Self-Determination." The Sunday Times. June 16, 2002.
"We Can End Hunger With the Politics of Courage." Reuter Alertnet. June 7, 2002.
"Agricultores en Pie de Guerra." La Republica, Uruguay. May 29, 2002.
"Agricultores en Pie de Guerra." El Universal, Mexico. May 25, 2002.
"La Exportacion Del Hambre." La Republica, Uruguay. March 20, 2002.
"La Exportacion Del Hambre." Los Andes S. Cristobal, Venezuela. March 18, 2002.
"La Exportacion Del Hambre." El Universal, Mexico. March 16, 2002.
"Anuradha Mittal on the True Cause of World Hunger: An Interview by Derrick Jensen." The Sun. February 2002.
"A Tale of Two Forums." Huntsvile Times, Alabama. February 15, 2002.
"Food For More." ColorLines. Winter 2001-2002.
"How the U.S. is Using Economics to Build a Coalition Against Terrorism." MarketPlace. September 28, 2001.
"Countering Terrorism With Trade?" AlterNet.ORG. October 9, 2001.
"U.N. Dead Wrong About Engineered Crops." AlterNet.ORG. July 24, 2001.
"Technology Won't Feed the World's Hungry." Knight Ridder Wire Service and Progressive Media Project. July 12, 2001.
"Food is a Human Right." Bloomington Independent. May 31, 2001.
"Food is a Human Right, Not a Charity." AlterNet.ORG. May 29, 2001
"The Privatization of Seeds." Dollars and Sense. March/April 2001.
"Biotech's Chancy Quick Fix for Hunger." San Francisco Chronicle. December 22, 2000.
"Food and Finance: Human Needs Versus Corporate Greed, The Satya Interview with Anuradha Mittal." Satya. November/December 2000.
"The Last Plantation: Black-Owned Farms Face Extinction in the U.S.." Earth Island Journal. Autumn 2000.
"Globalization From Below: An Interview with Anuradha Mittal." Said It. September 2000.
"The Last Plantation." Bioneers Letter. Vol. III, No. 2, Autumn 2000.
"The Politics of Hunger." CovertAction Quarterly. Millennium Double Issue, Spring/Summer 2000.
"Behind Indonesia's Hunger Myth." Earth Island Journal. Winter 1999-2000.
"Hunger is U.S. and Global Disgrace." Columbus Dispatch, Ohio. November 25, 1999.
"Millions Going Hungry This Thanksgiving." Macon Telegraph, Georgia. November 25, 1999.
"Amid Plenty, Millions Will go Hungry Today." Bradenton Herald, Florida. November 25, 1999.
"Millions Going Hungry This Thanksgiving." News Times, Connecticut. November 25, 1999.
"Thanksgiving Will be Meager for Many." Ledger, Florida. November 25, 1999.
"Hunger, Poverty Still Exist Amidst the Plenty of This World." Connecticut Post, Connecticut. November 25, 1999.
"Millions Go Hungry This Thanksgiving." Sun Herald, Florida. November 24, 1999.
"The Problem of Hunger Among America's Plenty Cannot be Ignored." Clarion-Ledger, Mississippi. November 21, 1999.
"Millions Will Starve on Thanksgiving Day." Birmingham News, Alabama. November 21, 1999.
"Anuradha Mittal on Hungry at Thanksgiving." Post Standard, New York. November 20, 1999.
"Millions Too Hungry to be Thankful." Amarillo Globe Times, Texas. November 19, 1999.
"Plenty, But Not For Everyone." Los Angeles Times. November 18, 1999.
"At Home, The Safety Net is Frayed." Los Angeles Times. November 30, 1998.
"Human Rights Begin with a Good Meal." San Francisco Examiner. May 1, 1998.
"Poverty and Human Rights." The San Francisco Bay Guardian. December 17-23, 1997.
"Fast Track-Fair Trade or Trade Off? Factor in Human Rights as a Condition For Approval." San Francisco Chronicle. September 18, 1997.
"Fifty Years is Enough." The San Francisco Bay Guardian. June 18-24, 1997.
"What's Best for Welfare Reform? It's No Improvement to Punish Poor People." San Francisco Chronicle. April 17, 1997.
"Welfare Reform or War on the Poor?" The Oakland Tribune. July 31, 1996
Other opinion pieces in national and international press including The Nation, The New York Times, The Seattle Times, The Chicago Tribune, Economic and Political Weekly (India), The Financial Post (Pakistan), The Times of India (India), and Bangkok Post (Thailand). Also interviewed and cited in hundreds of newspaper and magazine articles.