2019 Annual Report
Letter from the Executive Director
The COVID-19 pandemic has taken over a million lives, crippled national economies, and exacerbated the already staggering level of inequality globally — leaving the most marginalized further disfranchised. The Indigenous, migrant workers, small holder farmers, and people of color are most impacted; crushed simultaneously by the worsening pandemic of racism, fascism, climate crisis, and injustice. In the face of these threats, we hold firm to the four principles that drive our work: courage, rigor, agility, and accountability.
The murder of George Floyd catalyzed millions of Americans to rise up, demanding an end to racism and violence against Black and Brown communities. The same goals form the foundation of our work to dismantle similar power structures and ideologies that prop up inequity and corruption abroad. In order to win our struggle for global social, economic, and environmental justice, white supremacy and institutionalized racism have to be dismantled. In the United States, we proudly stand with the Movement for Black Lives demanding that we defund the police and invest in communities. Around the globe, we stand together with land defenders and communities rising up against neo-colonialism and theft of their natural resources. Enough is enough.
Below you will read about our work alongside communities around the world in their struggle to defend their life and land rights, and the victories our efforts have helped secure. Our financial independence remains fundamental to our work — we do not accept any government or corporate funding. Instead, our work is made possible by a community of private funders and individual donors who believe in us. If you value the work we do please consider making a monthly or one-time donation to help us continue.
In solidarity,
Anuradha Mittal and the Oakland Institute Team
The COVID-19 pandemic has taken over a million lives, crippled national economies, and exacerbated the already staggering level of inequality globally — leaving the most marginalized further disfranchised. The Indigenous, migrant workers, small holder farmers, and people of color are most impacted; crushed simultaneously by the worsening pandemic of racism, fascism, climate crisis, and injustice. In the face of these threats, we hold firm to the four principles that drive our work: courage, rigor, agility, and accountability.
The murder of George Floyd catalyzed millions of Americans to rise up, demanding an end to racism and violence against Black and Brown communities. The same goals form the foundation of our work to dismantle similar power structures and ideologies that prop up inequity and corruption abroad. In order to win our struggle for global social, economic, and environmental justice, white supremacy and institutionalized racism have to be dismantled. In the United States, we proudly stand with the Movement for Black Lives demanding that we defund the police and invest in communities. Around the globe, we stand together with land defenders and communities rising up against neo-colonialism and theft of their natural resources. Enough is enough.
Below you will read about our work alongside communities around the world in their struggle to defend their life and land rights, and the victories our efforts have helped secure. Our financial independence remains fundamental to our work — we do not accept any government or corporate funding. Instead, our work is made possible by a community of private funders and individual donors who believe in us. If you value the work we do please consider making a monthly or one-time donation to help us continue.
In solidarity,
Anuradha Mittal and the Oakland Institute Team
Rigorous, Independent, and Fearless
The Oakland Institute is an independent policy think tank bringing fresh ideas and bold action to the most pressing social, economic, and environmental issues of our time. We do this by combining meticulous research with creative communications strategies and advocacy campaigns to bring change around the world. Our work often starts at the invitation of local communities to assist their struggles. We are proud to work strategically and collaboratively with these partners!
Hold Powerful Actors Accountable
Our work holds governments, corporations, and international institutions accountable for their actions and policies. We do so through publishing reports based on rigorous research and analysis, international advocacy campaigns, testifying at Congressional and Senate hearings, as well as at the United Nations and much more.
Dismantle False Solutions
The Institute’s research and advocacy exposes and debunks the false solutions put forward by governments and corporations to fight hunger, climate change, and bring about development.
Strengthen Land Rights and Livelihoods
In partnership with impacted communities, we research and document threats to land rights, livelihoods, and natural resources, and develop communications and advocacy campaigns to support and elevate these struggles in the international arena.
Support Sustainable Farmer-led Food Systems
We support sustainable farmer-led, agroecology-based, food systems and work to build a farm economy from the bottom up. Our research is bringing forward blueprints and evidence of what these systems can look like and what policy changes are needed for them to flourish.
Stand by our Partners in the Face of Criminalization
The Legal Defense Fund that we started in 2015 to support land rights defenders continues to assist individuals and groups defending their livelihoods and the planet.
Elevate People’s Voices
Underlying all our work is our strong commitment to elevate the voices of farmers, pastoralists, fisherfolk, Indigenous Peoples, and communities who are marginalized and repressed in the name of development. We believe that the poor are the experts on poverty; the oppressed are the experts on human rights; and peasants and rural communities are the experts on agricultural development.
Reframing the Debate, Making an Impact
Underlying all our work is our strong commitment to elevate the voices of farmers, pastoralists, fisherfolk, Indigenous Peoples, and communities who are marginalized and repressed in the name of development. We believe that the poor are the experts on poverty; the oppressed are the experts on human rights; and peasants and rural communities are the experts on agricultural development.
Featured Media
Our research generates millions of media impressions annually, bringing fresh perspective and voice to reframe the debate on key issues. Below are are just some of the media that have featured our work in 2019 and 2020:
2019 – 2020 In Review
Shattering the Silence on Indigenous Human Rights Crisis in Nicaragua
While Nicaragua is seen as exemplary in granting land rights to Indigenous communities, our report Nicaragua’s Failed Revolution, shattered the silence around incessant violence faced by the Indigenous and the Afro-descendant communities in the Caribbean Coast Autonomous Regions. Our research exposed the key drivers of this violence, international and national actors, including the mining, logging and cattle ranching industry, as well as the Nicaraguan government.
Dismantling False Climate Solutions in Uganda
Our campaign against the establishment of pine plantations by the Norwegian firm Green Resources, which displaced farmers and destroyed livelihoods in Uganda, resulted in its only carbon credit purchaser, Swedish Energy Agency, to terminate its agreement with the company.
Halting the Privatization of Customary Land in Papua New Guinea
Our work in partnership with civil society groups in Papua New Guinea (PNG) supports the struggle of local communities facing the destruction of their livelihoods and their environment for logging, palm oil plantations, and mining projects. land rights. Our report, Land Summit or Land Grab?, co-published in 2019 with Jubilee Australia, challenged the Land Summit organized by the government to initiate the transfer of customary land into private hands, believing this will lead to economic growth. While debunking these myths, we instead advocate for investments that support the national economy and ensure land rights in the country.
Exposing Failed Development Model of Gibe III Dam
How They Tricked Us: Living with the Gibe III Dam and Sugarcane Plantations in Southwest Ethiopia revealed the devastating impact of the Gibe III dam and agricultural plantations established in Ethiopia’s Lower Omo region. Our research documents how the Bodi, Mursi, and Kwegu communities have lost essential farm and grazing lands and now face acute hunger as a result of government sponsored projects. We continue to call on Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed to take urgent action to address this issue and to stop the violent repression of Indigenous people by security forces.
Revealing Failure of Agro-Industrial Parks in DRC
In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), our investigation revealed how the establishment and collapse of the Bukanga Lonzo agro-industrial park pilot resulted in numerous land rights violations and human rights abuses, environmental degradation, as well as embezzlement and corruption. The Bukanga Lonzo Debacle ignited a campaign not just against a failed project, but a failed development paradigm – promoted and supported by the World Bank and the African Development Bank – that prioritizes industrial agriculture over the rights, well-being, and livelihood of local communities.
Holding the World Bank Accountable
In a major victory, the World Bank removed the land indicator from its 2019 Enabling the Business of Agriculture (EBA) Report, a key policy instrument used to influence governments in favor of agribusiness and foreign investment in the Global South. This decision came after global outrage that was sparked by our report The Highest Bidder Takes It All: The World Bank’s Scheme to Privatize the Commons that exposed the Bank’s unprecedented aggressive attack on land rights. The land indicator prescribed governments to become land brokers, transfer public and customary lands to private ownership, and sell public land to the highest bidder.
Resisting Resettlement of Maasai in Tanzania
Amidst the growing intolerance of dissent and authoritarianism in Tanzania, we continue our international advocacy in support of Maasai pastoralists in Loliondo. Closely monitoring the situation and remaining in contact with partners on the ground, we have released a number of public alerts in the follow up to our 2018 report, condemning President Magufuli’s suppression of justice and the disastrous “Four Zone Resettlement Plan” that threatens the very survival of the Maasai.
Standing in Solidarity with the Working Poor in the United States
Through our solidarity work with farmworkers and essential workers, we remain committed to challenging government policies that serve wealthy interests at the expense of the most marginalized communities and the environment, both at home and around the globe!
2019 Financials
As this chart shows, 79% of every dollar raised goes directly to our programs and legal defense fund. Review our annual 990 forms.
Download Full Annual Report
Please Support Our Work Today and into the Future
Since 2004, the Oakland Institute has supported the struggles of communities around the world for their land and livelihoods. In the face of repression, corruption, and injustice we raise the voices of the most impacted, reframe the debate, and mobilize for change.
Please support our work by making a one-time, or monthly tax-deductible donation. Your donation allows us to be bold: we research critical issues, run campaigns, and provide the essential advocacy and support that sparks action and ensures accountability.
We ensure our independence by not accepting any government or corporate funding. With your support, we can continue to win major victories on behalf of pastoralists and fisherfolk, the Indigenous, and smallholder farmers.
Oakland Institute 2019 Annual Report
In order of appearance:
Miskitu villagers on the banks of Rio Coco, November 2018. Credit: The Oakland Institute
Oakland Institute Executive Director Anuradha Mittal speaking at McDonald’s worker protest June 2020. © Brooke Anderson
Protest against illegal logging in Pomio, PNG, 2011 © Paul Hilton / Greenpeace
Walking into Nogoli, PNG Highlands. © James McIlraith / University of Otago
Screenshot PBS NewsHour, “The Cost of Beef”. PBS NewsHour
Plantation at Bukaleba. Credit: Kristen Lyons
Gilford Ltd. clearing land in West Pomio. © Paul Hilton / Greenpeace
Kara parent and child sitting along the bank of the Omo River. © Kelly Fogel
Screenshot from “The Bukanga Lonzo Debacle” video, interview with Chief Nzasi Ndukupala. Credit: The Oakland Institute
Highland scene in Amhara, Ethiopia. Credit The Oakland Institute
Entrance to a new boma built by the displaced Maasai. Credit: The Oakland Institute
Bodi tribe warriors posing on a bulldozer near Hana Mursi. Credit: The Oakland Institute